Tevet: Blessings for the Hebrew Month
Tevet 5785—The Tenth Hebrew Month
January 1–29, 2025
Tevet 5785—The Tenth Hebrew Month
January 1–29, 2025
Dearly Beloved One,
Oh, my Oh my! Now is the time to push through into maturity for the coming New Year 2025. You have great potential. I AM everything to you, I AM with you in all circumstances, and this is a month for you to see and hear Me clearer than ever before.
As you mature this year, you will become stronger and stronger and, just as Samson, who killed more of the enemy in his final days than all his previous years put together, you too can expect to see more of the end time harvest than ever before as I rapidly mature you and, in the same way, you will achieve more in this period of your life than during your whole lifetime. There will be a greater harvest than all the harvests since the Day of Pentecost until now.
Forget those things which are behind, reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Of course, Samson’s weakness was basically his inability to say “no” to his flesh putting them above his vows and calling. He also loved the sweetness of the honeycomb, and should have run from Delilah, but his flesh kept him coming back for more, but you chose to walk in sync with Me and that blesses My heart.
Tevet is the month to fast and pray and will help you keep covenant with Me. Be watchful, Beloved, as you sharpen your spiritual senses as you focus on Me, keeping and staying in alignment with My times and Seasons as the Holy Spirit leads you. I will break any siege of the enemy against you this year.
No matter what the enemy does, I will come through and help you. I will provide the oil of the Holy Spirit so that you continue to shine for Me. Your light will not grow dim or go out. This is the season of dedication and rededication. Keep your life dedicated to Me and watch how the miracles will unfold. The oil I anoint you with, will not last just one day but I will continue to fill your lamp with the oil of My Holy Spirit.
The more you live your life for Me, the more you will see what I want you to see - that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened with wisdom and maturity, recognizing Me in all circumstances.
It is a month to break the power of evil watchers because if you don’t break that power, it will try to manipulate you. The evil eye is embedded in the culture today which allows you to be manipulated by evil spirits. Pray and ask Me to close the eyes of the enemy, so you are not hindered. Remember Elisha prayed for the eyes of his servant be opened and he was able to see the angelic army protecting them. Elisha prayed again and the enemy army was blinded.
Rededicate yourself to Me, child, your home and your work and you will see and hear the miracles happening all around you. Move forward with confidence into 2025 praying for kings and all who are in authority. I will give you many prayer strategies to be released at this time as well as in April and July. I will send people to lead and guide you who will give you more revelation. Be sure to pray for your spiritual covering as well as for the political leaders in your nation and in the Ekklesia.
Be angry but do not sin – anger itself isn’t necessarily a sin; but you will have to be careful not to let it control you because that leads to sin. Get over your anger before nightfall and I will give you the opportunity to overcome. So, when it rises, deal with it and build yourself up.
I AM purifying your bloodline from all spiritual impurities as My blood enters your own bloodstream and DNA and you will begin to function more effectively.
This month is the constellation of Capricorn, the goat – What I AM saying to you is “Hinds feet in high places”. I AM enabling you to go to higher places with Me. It’s time to leap like a mountain goat, clinging to The Rock of your Salvation. Enjoy the climb, Beloved, because I AM taking you to the Mountain top and your “eyes will see the Glory of the coming of the Lord” in 2025.
Happy New Year,
Love Abba
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
Oh, my Oh my! Now is the time to push through into maturity for the coming New Year 2025. You have great potential. I AM everything to you, I AM with you in all circumstances, and this is a month for you to see and hear Me clearer than ever before.
As you mature this year, you will become stronger and stronger and, just as Samson, who killed more of the enemy in his final days than all his previous years put together, you too can expect to see more of the end time harvest than ever before as I rapidly mature you and, in the same way, you will achieve more in this period of your life than during your whole lifetime. There will be a greater harvest than all the harvests since the Day of Pentecost until now.
Forget those things which are behind, reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Of course, Samson’s weakness was basically his inability to say “no” to his flesh putting them above his vows and calling. He also loved the sweetness of the honeycomb, and should have run from Delilah, but his flesh kept him coming back for more, but you chose to walk in sync with Me and that blesses My heart.
Tevet is the month to fast and pray and will help you keep covenant with Me. Be watchful, Beloved, as you sharpen your spiritual senses as you focus on Me, keeping and staying in alignment with My times and Seasons as the Holy Spirit leads you. I will break any siege of the enemy against you this year.
No matter what the enemy does, I will come through and help you. I will provide the oil of the Holy Spirit so that you continue to shine for Me. Your light will not grow dim or go out. This is the season of dedication and rededication. Keep your life dedicated to Me and watch how the miracles will unfold. The oil I anoint you with, will not last just one day but I will continue to fill your lamp with the oil of My Holy Spirit.
The more you live your life for Me, the more you will see what I want you to see - that the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened with wisdom and maturity, recognizing Me in all circumstances.
It is a month to break the power of evil watchers because if you don’t break that power, it will try to manipulate you. The evil eye is embedded in the culture today which allows you to be manipulated by evil spirits. Pray and ask Me to close the eyes of the enemy, so you are not hindered. Remember Elisha prayed for the eyes of his servant be opened and he was able to see the angelic army protecting them. Elisha prayed again and the enemy army was blinded.
Rededicate yourself to Me, child, your home and your work and you will see and hear the miracles happening all around you. Move forward with confidence into 2025 praying for kings and all who are in authority. I will give you many prayer strategies to be released at this time as well as in April and July. I will send people to lead and guide you who will give you more revelation. Be sure to pray for your spiritual covering as well as for the political leaders in your nation and in the Ekklesia.
Be angry but do not sin – anger itself isn’t necessarily a sin; but you will have to be careful not to let it control you because that leads to sin. Get over your anger before nightfall and I will give you the opportunity to overcome. So, when it rises, deal with it and build yourself up.
I AM purifying your bloodline from all spiritual impurities as My blood enters your own bloodstream and DNA and you will begin to function more effectively.
This month is the constellation of Capricorn, the goat – What I AM saying to you is “Hinds feet in high places”. I AM enabling you to go to higher places with Me. It’s time to leap like a mountain goat, clinging to The Rock of your Salvation. Enjoy the climb, Beloved, because I AM taking you to the Mountain top and your “eyes will see the Glory of the coming of the Lord” in 2025.
Happy New Year,
Love Abba
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
Kislev 5785—The Ninth Hebrew Month
December 2–31, 2024
December 2–31, 2024
Dearly Beloved one:
Be Sure to Celebrate this month with a “double double” Hannukah and Christmas coming into alignment as it symbolizes fruitfulness, completion, fullness of blessing and a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit and My miraculous power working in your life – Rejoice, Rejoice again I say Rejoice.
Please pray for Israel My Chosen as the antisemitic spirit is an anti Christ spirit and it hates you as much as it hates Israel. I will surely bless you as you remember Israel my inheritance.
This is a month to develop war strategies, and a month to have prophetic revelation for war. “You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you I will destroy kingdoms; With you I will break in pieces the horse and its rider; With you I will break in pieces the chariot and its rider;” You must war to have peace. Peace doesn’t just happen, you have to fight for it.
This is a month to enter into a new level of trust and rest. This month is connected to My rainbow covenant, so do not worry, Beloved, remember I AM in charge, and I will take care of all you commit to me. Things may seem to be going around in circles, and yes, you are in the eye of the storm but I AM keeping you hidden in the shelter of My wings and no harm will come near you because you are surrounded by My care and protection and I will keep you safe. Rest in this truth because old negative cycles and patterns have been and are being broken so they won’t come back.
I have prepared new doors for you to go through. New assignments and new visions. I will write the vision on tablets for the revelation awaits an appointed time. Run with it because it speaks of the end and will not prove false, and though it lingers, wait for it - for it will surely come and it will change your whole perspective for the coming New Year.
If and whenever something negative arises in your life, come to Me Beloved, and place it into My hands. Be careful not to accept the words of the “accuser of the brethren” against you or anyone in the House. Trust Me to take care of “problem people” and don’t worry about them. Know that I AM holding you by the hand - I’ve got this.
Kislev is known as the month of dreams. I AM releasing revelations during the night. Expect dreams from the Holy Spirit as you sleep. They may be dreams resulting in healing, or dreams of vision for your life (like Jacob when he dreamed of the ladder to heaven). “I give My beloved sleep.” Spend time with Me for the result is a river of life flowing out of you and it brings healing. I AM using you to bring healing to other people and healing into their situations.
This is a month to “shoot straight” Sagittarius the archer is moving quickly. This means when it’s time to decide on something, make the decision and move and you will hit the mark. Don’t be afraid to cut your losses and move on through.
Happy Hannukah Beloved,
Your Loving Heavenly Father
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
Be Sure to Celebrate this month with a “double double” Hannukah and Christmas coming into alignment as it symbolizes fruitfulness, completion, fullness of blessing and a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit and My miraculous power working in your life – Rejoice, Rejoice again I say Rejoice.
Please pray for Israel My Chosen as the antisemitic spirit is an anti Christ spirit and it hates you as much as it hates Israel. I will surely bless you as you remember Israel my inheritance.
This is a month to develop war strategies, and a month to have prophetic revelation for war. “You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: For with you I will break the nation in pieces; With you I will destroy kingdoms; With you I will break in pieces the horse and its rider; With you I will break in pieces the chariot and its rider;” You must war to have peace. Peace doesn’t just happen, you have to fight for it.
This is a month to enter into a new level of trust and rest. This month is connected to My rainbow covenant, so do not worry, Beloved, remember I AM in charge, and I will take care of all you commit to me. Things may seem to be going around in circles, and yes, you are in the eye of the storm but I AM keeping you hidden in the shelter of My wings and no harm will come near you because you are surrounded by My care and protection and I will keep you safe. Rest in this truth because old negative cycles and patterns have been and are being broken so they won’t come back.
I have prepared new doors for you to go through. New assignments and new visions. I will write the vision on tablets for the revelation awaits an appointed time. Run with it because it speaks of the end and will not prove false, and though it lingers, wait for it - for it will surely come and it will change your whole perspective for the coming New Year.
If and whenever something negative arises in your life, come to Me Beloved, and place it into My hands. Be careful not to accept the words of the “accuser of the brethren” against you or anyone in the House. Trust Me to take care of “problem people” and don’t worry about them. Know that I AM holding you by the hand - I’ve got this.
Kislev is known as the month of dreams. I AM releasing revelations during the night. Expect dreams from the Holy Spirit as you sleep. They may be dreams resulting in healing, or dreams of vision for your life (like Jacob when he dreamed of the ladder to heaven). “I give My beloved sleep.” Spend time with Me for the result is a river of life flowing out of you and it brings healing. I AM using you to bring healing to other people and healing into their situations.
This is a month to “shoot straight” Sagittarius the archer is moving quickly. This means when it’s time to decide on something, make the decision and move and you will hit the mark. Don’t be afraid to cut your losses and move on through.
Happy Hannukah Beloved,
Your Loving Heavenly Father
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
Cheshvan: Blessings for the Hebrew Month
Cheshvan 5785—The Eighth Hebrew Month
Nov. 2–Dec. 1, 2024
Cheshvan 5785—The Eighth Hebrew Month
Nov. 2–Dec. 1, 2024
Dearly Beloved:
The lesson for you today is look for the new thing. I AM in pruning mode and I AM calling you to discard something or stop something altogether. The result will be much more fruit. But you must trust Me. As soon as you step into your new calling, new revelation and insight as to what to do next will begin to flow. Let there be light. My light will help you resolve any long-standing problems.
The eighth month always signifies new beginnings, and that is exactly the season you are entering. The apostolic anointing will arise, and all the people that I have put across your path who have helped you – those who have gone the extra mile as joyful laborers, is a shadow of the joy that is coming in MY harvest field.
Remember the outpouring of the water libation at Tabernacles. That signifies the outflowing of the Holy Spirit - the waters of salvation. Allow Me to dwell in you richly and discover living water flowing out of your innermost being to bless and minister to others.
Forget the old, it is time to leap forward into all I have prepared for you. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”
Don’t be alarmed if you see a flood moving in your circumstances this month. Just take it as a sign that you may have some issues that need to be dealt with. Ask Holy Spirit to make those issues clear and then deal with them.
This is a month reserved for receiving My anointing because “the anointing will break the yoke”. Ask Me for more anointing. Seek Me with all your heart; move into the “new” I have for you. You will find lots of anointing there. Without a new anointing, Satan can gain an upper hand. As you grow in this new anointing, and you do this most easily and assuredly when we talk together, it will surely come.
I understand that you have had to deal with hardships, trials, and tribulations. This is why I emphasize the anointing because you will need My help and My power, for I AM coming through for you. You cannot deal with these things by yourself.
It has been a painful season for you, Beloved, let the pain transform you into something amazing because it is My plan for your life. No one is exempt from bad times, but you are being transformed by the renewing of your mind and the power in My blood. [1].
Confess any traces of negativity in you - envy, bitterness, complaining, self-seeking, and bring it to me. We sometimes think these are small things, but remember, it’s “the little foxes that spoil the vines”. The anointing will rise up and help you. [2].
My fragrance will permeate your soul, and you will see the change take place around you. Breathe in My fragrance and be transformed. Be passionate about Me as I AM for you and see Me move in a supernatural way to bring you to a whole new level of passion. [3].
The enemy wants to release strategies to hinder you but remember that I trampled on the snake - rejoice and shout hallelujah for he is under your feet. [4].
I AM also speaking to you about boundaries this month as I illuminate new and further things for you. My light will reach your farthest boundary line, and your destiny is greater than what you can possibly think or imagine.
I AM so proud of you, Beloved of Mine, that you are content in all things, and this will result in an overflow of the Holy Spirit in your innermost being.
Be Blessed this month.
Your Loving Heavenly Father
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
The lesson for you today is look for the new thing. I AM in pruning mode and I AM calling you to discard something or stop something altogether. The result will be much more fruit. But you must trust Me. As soon as you step into your new calling, new revelation and insight as to what to do next will begin to flow. Let there be light. My light will help you resolve any long-standing problems.
The eighth month always signifies new beginnings, and that is exactly the season you are entering. The apostolic anointing will arise, and all the people that I have put across your path who have helped you – those who have gone the extra mile as joyful laborers, is a shadow of the joy that is coming in MY harvest field.
Remember the outpouring of the water libation at Tabernacles. That signifies the outflowing of the Holy Spirit - the waters of salvation. Allow Me to dwell in you richly and discover living water flowing out of your innermost being to bless and minister to others.
Forget the old, it is time to leap forward into all I have prepared for you. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”
Don’t be alarmed if you see a flood moving in your circumstances this month. Just take it as a sign that you may have some issues that need to be dealt with. Ask Holy Spirit to make those issues clear and then deal with them.
This is a month reserved for receiving My anointing because “the anointing will break the yoke”. Ask Me for more anointing. Seek Me with all your heart; move into the “new” I have for you. You will find lots of anointing there. Without a new anointing, Satan can gain an upper hand. As you grow in this new anointing, and you do this most easily and assuredly when we talk together, it will surely come.
I understand that you have had to deal with hardships, trials, and tribulations. This is why I emphasize the anointing because you will need My help and My power, for I AM coming through for you. You cannot deal with these things by yourself.
It has been a painful season for you, Beloved, let the pain transform you into something amazing because it is My plan for your life. No one is exempt from bad times, but you are being transformed by the renewing of your mind and the power in My blood. [1].
Confess any traces of negativity in you - envy, bitterness, complaining, self-seeking, and bring it to me. We sometimes think these are small things, but remember, it’s “the little foxes that spoil the vines”. The anointing will rise up and help you. [2].
My fragrance will permeate your soul, and you will see the change take place around you. Breathe in My fragrance and be transformed. Be passionate about Me as I AM for you and see Me move in a supernatural way to bring you to a whole new level of passion. [3].
The enemy wants to release strategies to hinder you but remember that I trampled on the snake - rejoice and shout hallelujah for he is under your feet. [4].
I AM also speaking to you about boundaries this month as I illuminate new and further things for you. My light will reach your farthest boundary line, and your destiny is greater than what you can possibly think or imagine.
I AM so proud of you, Beloved of Mine, that you are content in all things, and this will result in an overflow of the Holy Spirit in your innermost being.
Be Blessed this month.
Your Loving Heavenly Father
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
Prophetic Word just for you:
Tishrei: Blessings for the Hebrew Month and into 5785
Oct. 3–Nov. 1, 2024
Tishrei: Blessings for the Hebrew Month and into 5785
Oct. 3–Nov. 1, 2024
Dearly Beloved:
This is the time for full surrender and to advance with Me as you enter the new Hebrew year, 5785. This will be a year of incredible advancement as you leave the year of the “Open Door 5784” and enter a new year of revelation, light, and grace. My hand of grace will be on your life and on all that I give you to do as you worship and praise My name YHVH.
I will allow you to see amazing victories far beyond what most people have ever seen. My hand is fully upon you to be fruitful and multiply. Be sure to have a mindset to receive the blessings of My fullness over you and to speak them out.
Divine providence creates a new beginning for you in this season of the great harvest as you reflect My glory all around you. You have experienced a lot of shaking in your life over the past year, things that have shaken you to the core, but I AM removing those hindrances now, so be encouraged.
The things that have been scattered in your life will come back and I will gather and strengthen you. There is much restoration happening in your personal life, within the family and ministry but I AM restoring your vision for the future, too, as I release My judgements at the right time in your favor.
This is a time to draw close to me, to reach out and “touch the hem of My garment” and I will touch you in a much deeper way than you have experienced before as you enter this new season of spiritual awakening that the world is now experiencing.
Release any tiny seeds of bitterness against yourself or even towards Me and surrender. Sing with Me, Beloved, “Sweet Caroline, good times never seemed so good, you’ve been inclined to believe they never would”. Hands, Touchin' hands, Reachin' out, Touching Me, touchin' you”.
It is going to be a sweet, sweet New Year for you. Some things are coming to completion; others are just beginning and rejoice because I have a double portion for you! “Shanna Tovah”.
Your Loving Abba Father
The Lord of Hosts.
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
This is the time for full surrender and to advance with Me as you enter the new Hebrew year, 5785. This will be a year of incredible advancement as you leave the year of the “Open Door 5784” and enter a new year of revelation, light, and grace. My hand of grace will be on your life and on all that I give you to do as you worship and praise My name YHVH.
I will allow you to see amazing victories far beyond what most people have ever seen. My hand is fully upon you to be fruitful and multiply. Be sure to have a mindset to receive the blessings of My fullness over you and to speak them out.
Divine providence creates a new beginning for you in this season of the great harvest as you reflect My glory all around you. You have experienced a lot of shaking in your life over the past year, things that have shaken you to the core, but I AM removing those hindrances now, so be encouraged.
The things that have been scattered in your life will come back and I will gather and strengthen you. There is much restoration happening in your personal life, within the family and ministry but I AM restoring your vision for the future, too, as I release My judgements at the right time in your favor.
This is a time to draw close to me, to reach out and “touch the hem of My garment” and I will touch you in a much deeper way than you have experienced before as you enter this new season of spiritual awakening that the world is now experiencing.
Release any tiny seeds of bitterness against yourself or even towards Me and surrender. Sing with Me, Beloved, “Sweet Caroline, good times never seemed so good, you’ve been inclined to believe they never would”. Hands, Touchin' hands, Reachin' out, Touching Me, touchin' you”.
It is going to be a sweet, sweet New Year for you. Some things are coming to completion; others are just beginning and rejoice because I have a double portion for you! “Shanna Tovah”.
Your Loving Abba Father
The Lord of Hosts.
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
Elul—The Sixth Month of the Hebrew Year 5784
September 4–October 2, 2024
A Month of New Beginnings
September 4–October 2, 2024
A Month of New Beginnings
Dearly Beloved One:
You have come through the three weeks of “dire straits” and, although it was “dire,” remember that you were to look at this season as a time of birthing. During last month, the month of Av, I was roaring with you from Zion and although you may have felt a little discouraged, and asking me “When Lord, when?”, the word for you today is: “Now is the time”. Just do it!
Then MY blessings will be poured upon you, and everything will begin to change. This is an exciting month for you so move into the new beginnings I have for you. This is a time of increase, triumph and victory. This is a time to find your true identity in the Family of God and also in the army of God as I place you in rank and file marching together. Don’t go it alone, Beloved, and stay connected. Understanding the beginning, you understand the end and will reach your goal.
The Mantle of Motherhood is falling on many of My daughters this month preparing them for “Esthers to Arise” for the nations because this is a nurturing month and I AM also raising up the Mordecais to encircle them. Take your place in this great move orchestrated by El Gibor, Almighty God, and make sure your emotions are in good order because I AM giving you great ability to stand in the midst of emotional conflict and still abound. I AM giving you the ability to be a burden bearer.
I have seen you in the “secret place” I have watched, and what I have seen and heard about you from others, blesses MY heart. Reward is on its way. I have seen what you have sown in secret and now it is time to reap, and you will abound.
Beloved, I AM in your field of influence, and I AM coming to help you in your work and ministry. Like in the story of Ruth, Boaz came and visited the field she was gleaning in. Her life completely changed. God has the same waiting for you. I AM beckoning you into deeper relationship with ME. Draw near to ME and I will draw near to you for “You are My Beloved and I AM yours” and it comes with “rights and blessings”.
Ask ME for mercy over that situation in your life that needs solving and remember that when you ask, MY help will already be on the way. MY name is a strong tower – a strength greater than yours that will encompass you, so surrender, Beloved, and enter My Shalom Peace. Remember this is a time of increase, triumph and victory.
I have got this!
The King is in the Field!
Lovingly Abba Father
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
You have come through the three weeks of “dire straits” and, although it was “dire,” remember that you were to look at this season as a time of birthing. During last month, the month of Av, I was roaring with you from Zion and although you may have felt a little discouraged, and asking me “When Lord, when?”, the word for you today is: “Now is the time”. Just do it!
Then MY blessings will be poured upon you, and everything will begin to change. This is an exciting month for you so move into the new beginnings I have for you. This is a time of increase, triumph and victory. This is a time to find your true identity in the Family of God and also in the army of God as I place you in rank and file marching together. Don’t go it alone, Beloved, and stay connected. Understanding the beginning, you understand the end and will reach your goal.
The Mantle of Motherhood is falling on many of My daughters this month preparing them for “Esthers to Arise” for the nations because this is a nurturing month and I AM also raising up the Mordecais to encircle them. Take your place in this great move orchestrated by El Gibor, Almighty God, and make sure your emotions are in good order because I AM giving you great ability to stand in the midst of emotional conflict and still abound. I AM giving you the ability to be a burden bearer.
I have seen you in the “secret place” I have watched, and what I have seen and heard about you from others, blesses MY heart. Reward is on its way. I have seen what you have sown in secret and now it is time to reap, and you will abound.
Beloved, I AM in your field of influence, and I AM coming to help you in your work and ministry. Like in the story of Ruth, Boaz came and visited the field she was gleaning in. Her life completely changed. God has the same waiting for you. I AM beckoning you into deeper relationship with ME. Draw near to ME and I will draw near to you for “You are My Beloved and I AM yours” and it comes with “rights and blessings”.
Ask ME for mercy over that situation in your life that needs solving and remember that when you ask, MY help will already be on the way. MY name is a strong tower – a strength greater than yours that will encompass you, so surrender, Beloved, and enter My Shalom Peace. Remember this is a time of increase, triumph and victory.
I have got this!
The King is in the Field!
Lovingly Abba Father
Submitted by Miriam Wakefield
A prophetic word just for you for The Fifth Month in the Hebrew calendar known as AV
August 4th - September 3rd, 2024
Rosh Chodesh is the eve of the Hebraic New Moon Festival called Av. It is a time of open heaven, which God has protected, to hear our prayers and petitions for the month without hindrance.
Dearly Beloved One,
You have entered a season of birthing and victory. You are coming through a difficult season having been
squeezed on all sides like a woman in labour, but the promise of resurrection life is in you.
I AM birthing new and wonderful things in you and for you. Hold that baby in your arms, whatever you perceive it to be, for I have a destiny and a purpose for it. You have carried this baby in your innermost being for a long time, it has been heavy on your heart and a little overdue, but it will surely come.
Rejoice, rejoice, again I say rejoice! The struggles during Tammuz and Av are like birth pangs but, for your light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for you carrying a far more exceedingly and eternal weight of glory.
We have been pulling down strongholds, those hindrances that we have battled together with the angelic
forces in the heavenly realms, and it is time to reconstruct and rebuild, uproot and to plant. Even the earth is in birthing mode and is in contraction, so when you hear of earthquakes, know that I AM getting ready to birth. I know that you have felt at a low ebb this last month but don’t let a spirit of negativity surround you. Break it off. The point isn’t to be fearful, but to be aware that I AM your greatest encourager, and I AM here for you.
Be sober and be vigilant because your adversary the devil roams around like a hungry lion, seeking whom he may devour. Submit to Me, resist the Devil and he will flee from thee. Your hope and power are in Me and in our covenantal relationship.
You have listened to Me, you hear My voice and you have been concerned about certain things, but I AM saying to you, just keep moving forward. You have been grafted into a great inheritance, do not let it slip through your fingers. You are standing on solid ground, keep testifying the breakthrough I have made on your behalf and remember, we are in a covenant that cannot be broken.
The people that walk in darkness have seen a great light and you will shine as the end approaches. I am declaring from the heavens that the enemy is conquered because together “we are more than conquers” but I cannot do it without you. It is time for you to roar with Me so let the roar, the shout of victory, rise up in you.
This is the month that you decide to act upon what you have heard. You need to make a decision! I assure you that you have heard correctly what I have told you and you must decide whether to act upon it. If not now maybe at a later date. Let your heart get used to the idea, then let the Lion of the tribe of Judah rise up in you. Call upon the “warrior and overcomer” anointing that is upon you. Keep declaring that you are a warrior and a conqueror in all things. And yes, keep declaring and testifying the wonderful things I AM doing for you in your life and speak it out for there is power in the word of your testimony. Check your heart and don’t let iniquity take hold and, as a warrior, recognise it, fight it, and uproot it, because there
are kingdom advances coming through for you which are Godly connections and partnerships which require clean hands and a pure heart. You will need to be wise about those partnerships, because I AM birthing new connections for advancement in your life, but the enemy will try to deceive you and knock you off course. Keep your eyes on Me and watch out for them to come now. I am restoring all things. I AM roaring from heaven to break every curse and the power of sin over you, your family and your nation. We have entered a season of Victory over battles and a victory over the nations. Know and understand, Beloved, that you have already won the victory and every foolish thing that has tried to distract you has not held you bound, and now you can expect the victory.
Worship is key as you develop a new level of discernment. Don’t resist the leading of the Holy Spirit. Meditate on the words I have already spoken over your life and ask for an increase of wisdom and discernment and listen to My counsel and advice. You are poised for great things, Beloved. Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.
Affectionately Dad
Your Loving Heavenly Father.
Humbly submitted by Miriam Wakefield
August 4th - September 3rd, 2024
Rosh Chodesh is the eve of the Hebraic New Moon Festival called Av. It is a time of open heaven, which God has protected, to hear our prayers and petitions for the month without hindrance.
Dearly Beloved One,
You have entered a season of birthing and victory. You are coming through a difficult season having been
squeezed on all sides like a woman in labour, but the promise of resurrection life is in you.
I AM birthing new and wonderful things in you and for you. Hold that baby in your arms, whatever you perceive it to be, for I have a destiny and a purpose for it. You have carried this baby in your innermost being for a long time, it has been heavy on your heart and a little overdue, but it will surely come.
Rejoice, rejoice, again I say rejoice! The struggles during Tammuz and Av are like birth pangs but, for your light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for you carrying a far more exceedingly and eternal weight of glory.
We have been pulling down strongholds, those hindrances that we have battled together with the angelic
forces in the heavenly realms, and it is time to reconstruct and rebuild, uproot and to plant. Even the earth is in birthing mode and is in contraction, so when you hear of earthquakes, know that I AM getting ready to birth. I know that you have felt at a low ebb this last month but don’t let a spirit of negativity surround you. Break it off. The point isn’t to be fearful, but to be aware that I AM your greatest encourager, and I AM here for you.
Be sober and be vigilant because your adversary the devil roams around like a hungry lion, seeking whom he may devour. Submit to Me, resist the Devil and he will flee from thee. Your hope and power are in Me and in our covenantal relationship.
You have listened to Me, you hear My voice and you have been concerned about certain things, but I AM saying to you, just keep moving forward. You have been grafted into a great inheritance, do not let it slip through your fingers. You are standing on solid ground, keep testifying the breakthrough I have made on your behalf and remember, we are in a covenant that cannot be broken.
The people that walk in darkness have seen a great light and you will shine as the end approaches. I am declaring from the heavens that the enemy is conquered because together “we are more than conquers” but I cannot do it without you. It is time for you to roar with Me so let the roar, the shout of victory, rise up in you.
This is the month that you decide to act upon what you have heard. You need to make a decision! I assure you that you have heard correctly what I have told you and you must decide whether to act upon it. If not now maybe at a later date. Let your heart get used to the idea, then let the Lion of the tribe of Judah rise up in you. Call upon the “warrior and overcomer” anointing that is upon you. Keep declaring that you are a warrior and a conqueror in all things. And yes, keep declaring and testifying the wonderful things I AM doing for you in your life and speak it out for there is power in the word of your testimony. Check your heart and don’t let iniquity take hold and, as a warrior, recognise it, fight it, and uproot it, because there
are kingdom advances coming through for you which are Godly connections and partnerships which require clean hands and a pure heart. You will need to be wise about those partnerships, because I AM birthing new connections for advancement in your life, but the enemy will try to deceive you and knock you off course. Keep your eyes on Me and watch out for them to come now. I am restoring all things. I AM roaring from heaven to break every curse and the power of sin over you, your family and your nation. We have entered a season of Victory over battles and a victory over the nations. Know and understand, Beloved, that you have already won the victory and every foolish thing that has tried to distract you has not held you bound, and now you can expect the victory.
Worship is key as you develop a new level of discernment. Don’t resist the leading of the Holy Spirit. Meditate on the words I have already spoken over your life and ask for an increase of wisdom and discernment and listen to My counsel and advice. You are poised for great things, Beloved. Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.
Affectionately Dad
Your Loving Heavenly Father.
Humbly submitted by Miriam Wakefield